Unfinished History
push the crib in front of the television
black-and-white images replace parenting
learn to spell words like Kent and Winston
spend hours with my grandfather
watching six guns blazing
the family gathered for Ed Sullivan
the hanging of Eichman from Israel
evening news was on CBS and NBC
neither seemed political or bias
it would take another decade
before ABC was legitimate
another two decades for Fox
one channel too many
a thousand not enough
lies about Vietnam and marijuana
didn’t understand heroin
sharing needles a 40 timebomb
ate your liver like Pacman
no amount of Eastern medicine
could save anyone from cancer
journalist got together on Sunday morning
they talked about the week on camera
stayed on the air for over 76 years
YouTube is the new television
seven-minute attention span
greed has no place in the middle
podcasting ambulance chasing
pretty faces with alternative facts
lost Sunday morning ritual
push the crib in front of computer
unfiltered images of beauty
and lowered self esteem
sex death and cooking tips
world war streaming on demand
tech replacing parenting
Zack Hoffman 2024
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