on the road to Tiberias
Israeli sun colored my skin
pebbles underneath my feet
ancient dust swirled toward shore
clear water splashed at my ankles
ten paces seaward still standing
standing where Jesus walked
witness busload of Christian tourists
ankle deep in summer and socialism
Rolling Stones keep singing “Heart of Stone”
holy water calm and sparkling
ten paces seaward still standing
Jew on the shelf keeps walking
ankle deep in an illusion 30 paces out
sand and smooth pebbles firm beneath me
turnaround to see how far I’ve come
Temptations keep singing “Just my Imagination”
ten paces seaward still standing
walking like a true believer
toward the center of the lake
after three steps the shelf disappears
plunging deep over my head
like the fisherman without faith
arms separate the water to find surface
treading water like a soulful meditation
Cream keeps singing “I Feel Free”
ten strokes swimming back
to walk on water
Zack Hoffman 2024
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